9.48683298 is the square root of 90
2 x 90 = 180 and its square root to 4 decimal places is 13.4164
Yes. In general, if an integer is not a perfect square, its square root is irrational.
Please note that the square root of a negative number is an imaginary number. Many calculators are unable to calculate that.Take the square root of 90 (any calculator can do that). Then attach an "i" at the end of the number, to indicate the imaginary unit.
square root of 90
The square root of 8100 is 90 (90 x 90 = 8100)
The square root of 1800 is 90
9.48683298 is the square root of 90
A right angle is 90 degrees. The square root of a right angle would be the square root of 90, which is 9.486.
The square root of 1,800 is 42.4264069
It is: 90
No, it is not.
3 square root 10
2 x 90 = 180 and its square root to 4 decimal places is 13.4164