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Q: What are10 items that cost 600 or less?
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What is the average cost of the procedure known as ear molding?

It costs less than surgery--about $600--and is considerably less painful.

How much do toygers cost to buy in?

A Toyger can cost up to $4000 for a full breeded animal. The half breed Toygers can cost less at $400-$600.

How much money per year does it cost to have a dog?

About $600-$1500 a year, including food, sleep, extra items like playtoys, shampoo, etc.

Is 600 grams greater than or less than 600 kilograms?

There are 1000 grams in one kilogram. Therefore, 600 grams is less than 600 kilograms.

How much do i phones cost?

$600 or so. You can typically get one for ~$200 or less when you sign a two year contract with a service provider.

If the force of gravity on a scuba diver is 600 newtons what should the buoyant force be if the diver wants to descend?

Less than 600 Newtons.Less than 600 Newtons.Less than 600 Newtons.Less than 600 Newtons.

Does Horchow offer any rugs that cost less than 600 currently?

Yes - Horchow's catalogue currently has a total of 320 different varieties of rugs costing less than $600. This includes rugs that are cut to order (price increases in relation to size) and ready-sized rugs.

How much does it cost to ship a car from Georgia to New Jersey?

it cost about $1000 to ship a car from Miami to ny in an enclosed trailer and around $600 on a truck. So figure a little less than that.

How do you round 629 to the nearest 100?

It is: 600 because 29 is less than 50

What is the cost for a Kitchenaid Pro 600?

The cost for a KitchenAid Pro 600 mixer is about $600. The mixers actually comes in a variety of colors to match any kitchen environment and may be purchased at Sears.

How much would it cost to drive 600 miles getting 28 miles per gallon?

It will cost you 600/28 = 21.4286 gallons. You have to decide the cost per gallon.

How do you round 638 to the nearest 100?

638 is less than half way between 600 and 700 so, it would round to 600.