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1 Fractions are part of an entity or an integer

2 Fractions have upper numerators

3 Fractions have lower denominators

4 Fractions have a solidus line separating the numerator and denominator

5 Fractions can be equivalent such as 1/2 = 2/4

6 Fractions can be proper such as 0.25 = 1/4

7 Fractions can be improper such as 1.25 = 5/4

8 Fractions need a lowest common denominator to be added or subtracted

9 Fractions need an highest common factor to simplify them

10 Fractions are all rational numbers

11 Fractions can be converted into percentages because 3/4 = 75%

12 Fractions can be multiplied because 1/4*3/5*1/3 = 3/60 => 1/20

13 Fractions can be divided because 1/2 divided by 1/2 = 2/2 => 1

14 Fractions were used by the Romans to a limited extent

15 Fractions raised to the power of 0 always equals 1

16 Fractions form a part of mixed numbers as for example 5/4 = 1 and a 1/4

QED by David Gambell

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What are facts about fractions?

Yes their is an interesting fact about fractions that is you have to know how to do them

What are some facts about fractions?

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What are fifteen facts or more about fractions?

You're only supposed to ask one question at at time but here we go:- 1 Fractions are parts of whole numbers or integers 2 Fractions less than 1 are common fractions 3 Fractions greater than 1 are improper fractions 4 Fractions have denominators which are underneath their numerators 5 Fractions are separated by a solidus line such as n/d 6 Fractions that are improper can be changed into mixed numbers 7 Fractions can be changed into decimals 8 Fractions can be converted into percentages 9 Fractions are rational numbers 10 Fractions can not be derived from irrational numbers 11 Fractions need a LCD when adding or subtracting them 12 Fractions can be easily multiplied and divided 13 Fractions can be equivalent such as 2/3 = 4/6 14 Fractions can be simplified by finding their HCF 15 Fractions use prime numbers to find the LCM of different denominators 16 Fractions were once used by the ancient Romans to a limited extent

Are there any fractions between 7 15 and 8 15?

Yes. But I need this answer too. I just dont know which fractions they are.

What are 2 equivalent fractions to 13-15?

2 equivalent fractions of 13/15 = 26/30, 39/45

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2 equivalent fractions for 15 and 23 = 30/46, 45/69

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two equivalent fractions for 15/20 = 3/4, 30/40

Are these fractions equivalent 15 28s and 45 84s?

Yes, the fractions 15/28 and 45/84 are equivalent, as 45/84 reduces to 15/28.