To get an equivalent fraction, multiply top and bottom by the same number. Any number except zero will do; but to avoid compound fractions, you'll probably want to use whole numbers.
90/150, 900/1500 are two equivalent fractions.
4/10 or 6/15
to get the equivalent fractions:multiply the given fractions by 2/2, 3/3, 4/4, ...2 equivalent fractions of 5/7= 10/14, 15/21
2 equivalent fractions of 13/15 = 26/30, 39/45
2 equivalent fractions for 15 and 23 = 30/46, 45/69
15/30 is equivalent to 1/2
90/150, 900/1500 are two equivalent fractions.
4/10 or 6/15
to get the equivalent fractions:multiply the given fractions by 2/2, 3/3, 4/4, ...2 equivalent fractions of 5/7= 10/14, 15/21
4/30, 6/45
2 over 3 and 30 over 45
4 over 30 and 6 over 45
2 equivalent fractions of 13/15 = 26/30, 39/45
2 equivalent fractions for 15 and 23 = 30/46, 45/69
8/10 or 12/15
1/3 & 2/6