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Q: What are 2 examples of how life experience might have a positive influence on character?
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i think he is because he has put alot of happiness in peple and is a great character

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He was a positive influence.

What positive influence?

Positive Influence is when you give a good example to people, which would 'influence' them to do the same for others.

William shakespeare a negative influence or positive?

he had a positive influence because he was great

Is Bill Cosby a positive influence?

In my opion, currently Bill Cosby is not a positive influence.

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yes Carrie Underwood isa positive influence

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Any stable family is a positive influence.

How do character traits affect the opinions of the character?

Character traits influence how a character perceives and reacts to situations in a story. For example, a character who is brave may approach challenges with confidence, whereas a character who is fearful may avoid risks. These traits shape the character's opinions, beliefs, and choices throughout the narrative.

Is inspiring a character trait?

Inspiring can be considered a character trait, as it reflects the ability to motivate and uplift others through words or actions. Individuals who are inspiring often have a positive influence on those around them, encouraging growth and change.

what is positive and negative influence of marketing on society?

A positive influence of marketing on society is boosting the economy. A negative influence is consumer confusion when the market is too vast.

What is favorable reviews?

Favorable reviews are positive feedback or comments about a product, service, or experience. These reviews highlight the good aspects, strengths, or advantages of the subject being reviewed. They can influence others' opinions and contribute to building a positive reputation.