To find the LCM, you need to have the denominators equal to each other. In this case the LCM is 90, so the fractions are as follows: 45/90 40/90 and 54/90.
45/90 = 1/2 or 2/4 or 3/6 or 4/8 ........etc.
36/90 = 18/45 = 6/15 = 2/5
There are infinitely many fractions equivalent to 10/45, but one would be 20/90.
It is 0.90 or just 90 and as a percent.
Some equivalent fractions of 2/15 are: 4/30 = 6/45 = 8/60 = 10/75 = 12/90
Yes.By multiplying top and bottom by the same factor:45 x 2 = 9054 x 2 = 108equivalent fractions are created.
To find the LCM, you need to have the denominators equal to each other. In this case the LCM is 90, so the fractions are as follows: 45/90 40/90 and 54/90.
45/90 = 1/2 or 2/4 or 3/6 or 4/8 ........etc.
36/90 = 18/45 = 6/15 = 2/5
There are infinitely many fractions equivalent to 10/45, but one would be 20/90.
It is 0.90 or just 90 and as a percent.
45/90 = 1/2 or 2/4
Some equivalent fractions of 4/15 are: 4/15 = 8/30 = 12/45 = 16/60 = 20/75 = 24/90
7 over 9 is equal to 14 over 18 and 70 over 90
equivalent fractions of 45 = 45/1, 90/2, 135/3,...