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Q: What are 2 ways that I can read time?
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Is reading important and why?

Written language is the same as speaking. You need to be able to read and write for the same reason that you need to understand and speak the language - so that you will understand!Here are some things you can do once you learn how to read:1 way is to read 2-5 books a month2 ways is spell check3 ways is to have someone read it over4 ways is to remember grammer

2 things you need to do at the same time to read properly?

1- silence and 2- light spotting on material which have to be read.

What is the word 'America' when translated from English to Japanese?

Two ways:1. アメリカ, read "amerika."2. 米国, read "beikoku."

Why people dont read?

Sort of because they dont want to they get lazy and rather watch a movie that covers most of the book in like 2 hours tops other ways coz they cant get into a book so they give up on any book

What are 2 ways to tell time?

With a watch and by the position of the sun in the sky.

Where can you read 101 ways to dance online?

on a sithe thet lets you or you write in google "read 101 ways to dance online"

How long should it take you 2 read Harry Potter and the prizoner of Azkaban?

Answer: 1-2 hours/chapter. Don't hurry, take your time and enjoy. Answer: It depends on how fast you read, and how much time you have, but in general, I would say somewhere between a day and a week. A few weeks if you don't have much time to read.

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The two ways of live you could gab lived are, 1: you could be trader or 2: a poor person

What are the ways on how to read drama?

Clear voice

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Read it

What are ways on how to read drama?

Clear voice

2 popes alive at the same time?

yes, there are two popes alive at the same time. I read it on the Internets.