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Q: What are 3 examples of a parallel circut?
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What is a circuit called that has componets in series plus componets in parallel?

Series - parallel circut

What is a circuit with more than one path for the current?

Parallel Circut

In a ---- taking out one light does not turn off the whole circut?

Parallel circuit.

What are examples of parallel lines?

examples of parallel lines. 1. railroad tracks 2. window pains 3. the equal sign =

What type of circut has more than 1 path for current?

A parallel circuit has more than one path.

What type of circuit is used in a pinball machine?

you would use a parallel circut beacuse it will give it more power

A 12 volt circut with two 3 ohm resistors in parallel will draw how much current?

Two 3-ohm resistors in parallel have an effective resistance of 1.5 ohms.I = E/R = 12/1.5 = 8 AmperesNote: Use big resistors. The power dissipated by each resistor is E2/R = 48 watts !

What type of circuit has a complete path that allows electricity to flow through it?

Electricity travels through a circut. A circut id domething that goes around, completeing a loop. Think of NASCAR. The cars are going around and around, doing laps around the track, which is a circut.

How many electrical paths are in a parallel circut?

In a parallel circuit, each component is connected directly to the power source, resulting in multiple electrical paths. The number of electrical paths in a parallel circuit is equal to the number of components connected in parallel.

How do I get to the action replay screen?

you can buy the cartrige at circut city or you lcal walmart. Tehey are around $20 and $30. GOOD LUCK!!! ;3 you can buy the cartrige at circut city or you local walmart. Tehey are between $20 and $30. I bought mine for $20 at circut city. GOOD LUCK!!! ;3

What are some examples of the way you use resistance?

Parallel, series, and series parallel

What is a sentence with the word circut?

what is a sentece with the word circut