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Q: What are 3 medications that can't be crushed?
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What happen to waste that cant be recycled?

Thay go to a landfill site and get crushed They got to a landfillsite and get crushed

Is crushing medication by a cna permissible in an RCFE?

Medications may be crushed or altered to enhance swallowing or taste, but never to disguise or "slip" them to a client/resident without his or her knowledge. The following written documentation must be in the client's/resident's file if the medication is to be crushed or altered: 1. A physician's order specifying the name and dosage of the medication to be crushed; 2. Verification of consultation with a pharmacist or physician that the medication can be safely crushed, identification of foods and liquids that can be mixed with the medications, and instructions for crushing or mixing medications; 3. A form consenting to crushing the medication signed by the client/resident. If the client/resident has a conservator with authority over his/her medical decisions, the consent form must be signed by that conservator.

Can baby birds eat bird seeds?

No, a baby bird cant, but if it is crushed it can.

Why cant you get rid of strep throat?

You can. It goes away within 3 to 7 days. With or without meds. But if you don't take medications your cantagious weeks after you no longer show symptoms

What are the release dates for One World - 1998 Crushed 3-6?

One World - 1998 Crushed 3-6 was released on: USA: 28 October 2000

Why cant we not make new fossil fuels?

because fossils have to get crushed naturally for millions of years to make the special liquid.

Is 3 hours safe between medications?

That depends on the medications. Consult your physician or a pharmacist.

What are the release dates for Nippeldiebstahl - 2011 Crushed Nipple Dust 1-3?

Nippeldiebstahl - 2011 Crushed Nipple Dust 1-3 was released on: USA: 8 June 2011

My reproductive endocrinologist is prescribing me these 3 medications. I am trying to conceive. Will these medications help me get pregnant?

Please repeat the three medications in your original question.

Can an Assistant in Nursing administer Schedule 3 medications?

In our state, a nursing assistant can not administer medications.

Why does your scuba tank not get crushed if it is empty?

a scuba tank is very thick, and so it wont be used if empty the valve remains to be closed, not allowing any air to excape, disallowing to be crushed. if the air cant leave the tank it wont crush.

What are the release dates for True Jackson VP - 2008 Kissed and Crushed 3-9 SUSPENDED?

True Jackson VP - 2008 Kissed and Crushed 3-9 SUSPENDED was released on: USA: 23 June 2012