There are four different properties of matter. They are weight, volume, mass and density.
Two properties of a cylinder are that they are both curved and have 3 dimensions. Two properties of a cylinder are that it is rounded and it is three dimensional.
The product of 4 and 3 is 12. You can use a calculator or you could do 4+4+4= or 3+3+3+3= and you will get 12. The properties of multiplication is that if you switch the beginning two numbers around, the product of the two numbers will not be impacted by the change.
vertices=0 edges=2 faces=3
The rock's density is 3 g/cm3
crust deeper rock
False. A characteristic of rock is that the individual minerals lose their distinct properties when combined into a rock. The resulting rock has its own unique physical and chemical properties distinct from those of its constituent minerals.
texture: foliated
igneous rock
1.It is extrusive volcanic rock white,grey or black in color has fine grained or aphanatic texture
what are the 3 properties of carbon?
the physical properties of a rock are a solid molecules are close together different colors different sizes and different weight and different kinds
Some properties of rock salt include its cubic crystal structure, high solubility in water, and salty taste. These properties are characteristic of rock salt because they are intrinsic to its chemical composition, which is primarily sodium chloride.
Earth's physical properties are:Water,Dust,Rock,Air,and Iron
foliations and lineations
Rock is generally an insulator. Note that the color of a rock is usually not a good indicator of is composition of properties.
Scoria is a highly vesicular (porous), dark colored volcanic rock.