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Q: What are 3 ways euglenoids can eat?
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What are three ways euglenoids eats?

god only knows !

Do some euglenoids eat food?

yes these are consumers

What are three euglenoids can eat?

god only knows !

What are three way euglenoids can eat?

god only knows !

What are three ways Euglenoids?

Euglenoids can obtain energy through photosynthesis using chloroplasts in their cells. They have a unique mode of movement utilizing a protein strip called a pellicle that allows them to change shape. Some euglenoids can also feed heterotrophically by engulfing food particles through phagocytosis.

What diseases do euglenoids cause?

Euglenoids do not cause disease.

Where do euglenoids live?

euglenoids live in fresh water

What phylum is Euglenoids in?

Euglenoids belong to the phylum Euglenozoa.

Are euglenoids prokaryotic?

No, they are eukaryote.

Are euglenoids multicellular or unicellular?

They are not.

Are euglenoids photosynthetic?

No, they aren't photosynthetic.

Where can you find euglenoids?

in fresh water