

What are 4 pieces of evidence?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: What are 4 pieces of evidence?
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What are the 4 pieces of evidence that supports continental drift?

written, visual, oral and i cant remember the other one.

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Four pieces of evidence used by Alfred Wegener to support his theory of continental drift were the fit of the continents, matching geological formations across continents, similar fossil distributions, and glacial evidence in tropical regions.

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Two main pieces of evidence that support Wegner's theory of continental drift are the fit of the continents' coastlines, indicating they were once connected, and the distribution of similar fossils and rock formations across separate continents, suggesting a shared geological history.

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Because 4 pieces of something that was cut up in 9 pieces is more than 4 pieces of something that was cut up in 10 pieces. If you cut it up in 9 pieces instead of 10, then the pieces are bigger.

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inductive reasoningThe type of reasoning that involves using specific pieces of evidence to make generalizations are called inductive reasons.