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Q: What are 4 reasons that angels exist?
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does angels have to go to earth?

Angels don't exist

does angels have to go back to earth?

Angels don't exist.

What are a few reasons aliens exist?

If space aliens do indeed exist, they exist for the same reasons we exist. Whatver those reasons may be.

Do dark angels exist?

Yess they do exist cause I'm one :D

Are Mermaids angels or spirits?

Neither...they do not exist!

What religions are worshipping angels?

While Jewish and Christian people believe that angels exist a species, there are no religions that worship angels.

Are angels alive today?

There is no way to prove whether angels exist or not - so you can believe that they do if you want to.

Is there any proof for or against that angels exist?

Short answer: No.

Angels wont make contact?

There is no evidence that angels exist; so it is safe to presume that they are the invention of a fertile imagination.

What is this it has 4 sides 4 angels all 4 angels not equal?

an improper trapazoid does

Is there scientific evidence to support the claim that angels are real?

The most widely accepted answer to this question is no, there is no scientific evidence that angels exist. There are some who believe that seeing science cannot disprove angels exist either, the evidence is inconclusive. This is known as the burden of proof.

Why shouldn't WikiAnswers exist?

There are no reasons WikiAnswers should not exist, but plenty of reasons it should. One of the reasons is that it is a great source of information for almost any subject.