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That's a very broad subject.
All Prokaryotes are microorganisms
( Bacteria and any organisms belonging to the domain Archaea, which are very similar to bacteria )
Eukaryotic microorganisms include
most protists
microscopic arthropods
some fungi
and green algae

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Q: What are 5 classes of microorganisms?
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What is the fives classes of microorganisms describing their charateristics and 2 infectious diseases with each of the 5 classes of microorganisms?

The five classes of microorganisms are bacteria (prokaryotic, single-celled), viruses (non-living, genetic material wrapped in a protein coat), fungi (eukaryotic, multicellular or unicellular), protozoa (eukaryotic, single-celled), and helminths (parasitic worms). Some infectious diseases caused by each class are: bacteria - tuberculosis and pneumonia, viruses - influenza and HIV/AIDS, fungi - thrush and ringworm, protozoa - malaria and toxoplasmosis, helminths - schistosomiasis and tapeworm infection.

What are the five basic group of microorganisms?

The five basic groups of microorganisms are bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, and algae. Each group includes a wide variety of species with unique characteristics and roles in the environment.

What are the examples of microorganisms?

Examples of microorganisms include bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, and algae. These organisms are typically too small to be seen with the naked eye and play important roles in various ecosystems, including nutrient cycling, decomposition, and symbiotic relationships with other organisms.

225 students is to 9 classes as 125 students is to?

5 classes

In Modern Warfare 2 can you get more create a classes?

yes. as you advance through the prestige levels you will gain 5 custom classes for a total of 10 custom classes plus the 5 default classes

How many classes of California driver licenses are there?

I believe that there are 5 classes in CA.

How many classes of drivers licenses are there in California?

I believe that there are 5 classes in CA.

What is 5 examples of prokaryotes?

bacteria fungi virus amoeba and many other microorganisms

What are the 10 uses and 10 harmful effects of microorganisms in your daily life?

1-Microorganisms helps us in making alchol. 2- Microorganisms helps us in bakery. 3-Microorganisms us in making medicines. 4-Microorganisms us in making curd. 5- Microorganisms fix atmospheric nitrogen ( NO2 ) to the soil. 6- Microorganisms helps us in resarching on diseases. 7- Microorganisms replinsh the soil.

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What is the similarities between infection and infestation?

Infection is related to one individual, and it is caused by microorganisms. Infestation is the spreading of infections or another kind of disease, through several classes of pathogen.

How many classes of licenses are there in CA?

5: Classes A, B, and C. Also M1 and M2