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ocean currents, local geography,elevation,distance from large bodies of water and latitude

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Q: What are 5 factors other than latitude that exert a strong influence on temperature?
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Is 3 degrees celsius very cold?

Very cold compared to what? It is above the freezing point for water, it is a typical temperature for a winter afternoon in Portland, Oregon. It is extremely cold if you wanted to swim. A typical strong swimmer could not swim 50 yards in that temperature. It is rather warm if it is the temperature of Arctic waters and would lead to extensive sea ice melt.

How long does it take to loese 4 stone?

it depends on how frequent and intense your fitness regine and your diet is. It also depends on many other factors like how strong you are mentally and how sensible you are while trying to loose weight.

How do you spell strong in Chinese?

強 (qiáng) is strong.

Is plywood strong?

plywood is very strong, it is used for floorboarding houses.

Are all the angles of a rhombus are congruent?

actually not. we can say the opposite two angle is the same. <strong><a href="">beats by dre Lamborghini</a></strong> <strong><a href="">cheap beats studio</a></strong> <strong><a href="">Beats by Justin Bieber</a></strong> <strong><a href="">beats by dre Spiderman</a></strong> <strong><a href="">Powerbeats by dre</a></strong> <strong><a href="">Monter turbine by dre</a></strong> <strong><a href="">Miles Davis Headphone</a></strong> <strong><a href="">Monter i beats</a></strong> <strong><a href="">beats by dre detox</a></strong> <strong><a href="">Monster Diesel VEKTR</a></strong> <strong><a href="">Diddybeats by Dr Dre</a></strong> <strong><a href="">Monster Butterfly</a></strong> <strong><a href="">beats by dr dre Jamz</a></strong> <strong><a href="">kobe beats by dr dre</a></strong> <strong><a href="">beats by dr dre</a></strong>

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What environmental factors cannot influence your health status?

Very few environmental factors absolutely cannot influence your health. Perhaps only smells cannot have a strong impact on your health.

Why is the wind strong?

The wind is strong when there is a difference in air pressure between two areas. Air moves from high pressure to low pressure, creating wind. Other factors like temperature, topography, and weather systems can also influence wind strength.

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friends, to fit in, just trying it

What factors influence northeners to join the KKK?

Strong supporters of National Prohibition tended to join the KKK.

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The factors that influence the rate of warming of a particular spot on the Earth's surface would be what season it is and the climate. This is because in some seasons the sun isn't as strong.

What other factors do you think influence the rate of warming of a particular spot on the Earthโ€™s surface?

The factors that influence the rate of warming of a particular spot on the Earth's surface would be what season it is and the climate. This is because in some seasons the sun isn't as strong.

What are the two factors that influence manufacturing in an irish region State the name of the region clearly thank you?

In the region of County Galway in Ireland, two factors that influence manufacturing are access to skilled labor, with a strong focus on engineering and technology, and proximity to key transportation networks such as ports and highways for efficient distribution of goods.

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Strong Christian influence

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Middle-latitude cyclones can bring a variety of weather conditions to different regions of the United States, including precipitation, strong winds, and temperature changes. These storms can lead to heavy rain and flooding in some areas, while producing severe thunderstorms, strong winds, and even blizzards in others. The movement of these cyclones can also influence the duration and intensity of weather events in different parts of the country.

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Europe's social factors include cultural diversity, high levels of education, strong social welfare systems, and an aging population. These factors influence social cohesion, healthcare systems, and labor market dynamics in European countries.

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Spanish influence was extremely strong in the Philippines during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

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