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Five things that aren't matter are: sound, light, heat, gravity, and speed. Five things that are matter are air, water, foods, pencils, and paper.

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Q: What are 5 things that are matter and five things that are not matter?
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What are five things that are matter?

matter is defines as anything that has mass and takes up space so five things would be you, a table, a book, a skyscraper, or a dog.

What are five things that have matter?

Air, water, rocks, plants, and animals all have matter.

How matter described?

All those things which occupy the space and have the mass are matter, but we also can say that , all those things which may be observed by our five sences are matter.

What are five things made of matter?

Water Wood Metal Plastic Paper

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A five star hotel is a five star hotel no matter where it is located.

What are the 5 things that the symbol of elements tell?

The five things the five elements stand for are # earth # fire # water # man # air

What are five things in a classroom that are matter?

A wooden desk, water,chair,paper,and pencil are the matters.

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Five things in the attic

What is five?

Five is originally a number. But "5" could be 5 apples, 5 cars, 5 songs, etc. There are many different things that 5 could be of.

What are the five things of matter in science names?

They are: plasma, solid, liquid, gas, and bose-einstein condensate state.

What are things that come in groups of 5?

five fingers on one hand

What is a name for a group of five things?

A quintet.