Number's-word form,Expanded form, Standard form, Base Ten Block form.
It can be 2/5 or in decimal form 0.4
one digit: 5 ways two digits: 5 * 9 ways three digits: 5 * 9 * 8 ways four digits: 5 * 9 * 8 * 7 ways ... ten digits: 5 * 9! ways So if you have to use ten digits, then the answer is 5 * 9! = 1814400. If you can use anywhere from one to ten digits, then the answer is: 5 * (9! + 8! + 7! + 6! + 5! + 4! + 3! + 2! + 1) = 2045565
0.80 is the same as 0.8 and as a fraction it is 8/10 or 4/5 in its simplest form
3x3. 5x5
No, ore is not the crudest form of metal. Ore refers to a naturally occurring rock or mineral from which a metal or valuable mineral can be extracted. The crudest form of metal is typically the metal in its raw state after it has been extracted from the ore and before it has been processed or refined.
The chief form of iron ore is hematite, which is a mineral form of iron(III) oxide (Fe2O3). Hematite is a common iron ore that is widely used for extracting iron.
Metals are generally mined in the form of ore. Ore is processed to extract the metal from the ore (known as smelting)
to have fun
usually by crushing in a hammer mill until everything (ore and rock) is fine dust. then there are various ways to separate them depending on the type of ore.
No, granite is not an ore mineral. Ores are the rock form of certain metals.
Yes- it is a form of Titanium.
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Platinum ore is refined in one of two ways. The first is individual solubilization and the second is simultaneous solubilization.
there are three ways to write ratio' words. for example lets say 5 to 20in fraction from. 5/20regular form 5:20
No, galena is not the common ore of iron. The common ore of iron is hematite, which is a mineral form of iron(III) oxide (Fe2O3). Galena is actually a mineral form of lead sulfide (PbS).