You need at least two values to find an average between them.orThe Dow Jones Industrial Average, also called the Industrial Average, the Dow Jones, the Dow Jones Industrial, the Dow 30, or simply the Dow, is a stock market index, and one of several indices created by Wall Street Journal editor and Dow Jones & Companyco-founder Charles Dow.
s-t=2(iw)=p. There you go
For calendar year 2013, the Dow gained 26.50% For calendar year 2014, the Dow gained 7.52% For calendar year 2015, the Dow lost 2.23% For calendar year 2016, the Dow gained 13.42%
A frequency is when a number occurs the most like m i s s i s s i p p i m1 i 4 s 4 p2 i is the frequency
you start out with 2 500's, 4 100's, 1 50, 1 20, 2 10's, 1 5, and 5 1's.
it is the s&p 500
They might trust the S&P because it watches more stocks. While Dow only reports on 30 stocks the S&P will track 500 stocks.
in the Dow Jones its 30 and in the S&P 500 there is 500. The NASDAQ has a ton and so does the NYSE... They are just weighted averages.
3 major stock INDEXES, not averages, Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), NASDAQ, and S&P 500.
A great way to find the most recent Dow trading Updates is straight online, using the cnn/data website, which updates regularly. It tells you all the records for the Dow and S&p 500 too.
It means the return on your investment is better than the market index you've chosen to compare to (S&P 500, Dow, etc.)
Nasdaq,Dow,and S&P
(S)tandard & (P)oor's 500. The S&P 500 is a market value weighted index of 500 blue-chip stocks, considered to be a benchmark of the overall stock market. If the S&P 500 is up, usually the market as a whole is also up.
S&P 500 is considered to be a leading indicator. The high correlation that it has with DJ should give DJ some credibility too.
The Dow Jones Transportation Average, which was also created by Dow. Along with the NASDAQ Composite, the S&P 500 Index, and the Russell 2000 Index, the Dow is among the most closely watched benchmark indexes tracking targeted stock market activity. So yes, there are similar indexes which attempt to capture the movement and activity of the American stock markets.
the s means standard and the p is poor. the s and p 500 was to see who had a standard amount of something, the poor people could not use this.
George P. Dow was born on 1840-08-07.