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* Here is a new take on an old faith. Nothing mysterious about it. Look at what Jesus did for us... For two days, early Friday morning to early Sunday morning, Jesus gave himself up to the earthly authorities. He sacrificed that time AND then his life. Okay, how about we honor him with two days worth of

# Denying ourselves (fasting)

# Lending to the "poor (helping others)

But the real breakthrough is this. Jesus said that if someone wants us to walk a mile with them then we walk two. SO, ask them what their time is worth an hour, pay them twice that and tell them you will hang around and help them with anything they want help with or teach them anything you understand and they don't. As long as they help you while you are helping them, the LOAN that you "don't expect back" is worth it.

I can think of SO many situations where, if we offered to pay people for their time, that we could really help some people who need some serious guidance. You say we shouldn't have to pay them? Yeah we should, I'm not going to let someone into my life and helpfully tell me what I am doing wrong for nothing. But for twice what I normally make an hour, I'll sit down and shut up while someone gives me some help.

This could change the world, but I am afraid that few pastors would endorse it, it could mean a major loss of revenue for their church. I don't blame pastors, they have real bills like the rest of us, but we keep on wanting the poor and, often, nasty and stinky to come to our church begging for help. No, this idea of showing up at someone's home, paying them an "entrance fee" to enter their home and their lives is absolutely the only way to change the world. You see, I would probably turn off the Video Games, the TV and turn off the computer if someone paid me twice my hourly wage to listen to them and do as they politely ask. But for less I wouldn't...

Is it legalistic to say that we should engage in two days worth of this for Jesus? Is it not much more legalistic and less fruitful to say we MUST PAY our tithes to hold up a building and purchase rights to praise music? I thought we were the priests AND the storehouse? Now listen, you better support your church because they look after you, BUT you better spend as much on YOUR OWN ministry as you spend giving to your church. Christianity becomes weak and ineffectual when Christians sit comfortably in their pews while the world suffers. Get out there and help them up. Yeah, you'll need a little money. Jesus said this was private ministry, not group ministry, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing... So imagine a world full of Christians helping people 2 FULL days a year (break it up if you need to). Teaching them how to fish and offering to buy them tools in lieu of their "wages". If we were all RELIGIOUS about this, this WOULD END A GREAT DEAL OF SUFFERING in the world.


* God desires to use other people to help people, and to look to him for all direction. If all of humanity put their neighbor first or at least on an equal level with others, just think of the miracle. This, of course was God's plan, but free will got in the way. == == == == * Please examine the question carefully. If anybody knows the answer, then it would not be "Mysterious" anymore. == == * "You have ears and yet you do not hear, you have eyes and yet you do not see nor perceive.' God works in mysterious ways because the answers to your problems are not really those you may have given thought about. God uses his people so that we may see him to be behind the answer to our problems and no-one else. * The concept of God's mysterious ways is an excuse of some religious people for creating stories. It is no different from parents who make up stories in response to their children's questions about the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus. Human suffering is alleviated by the hard work of caring, compassionate, righteous and dedicated individuals. Genetic engineering can provide the medical solution to the numerous cases of lifestyle diseases plaguing the world. But some religious individuals have been one of the biggest obstructions to scientific development and success. Medical science has faced some of the most disgusting attacks from some religious individuals hiding behind facades of morality and righteousness.

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