Photoelectric detectors are more sensitive to slow, smoldering fires
Photoelectric detectors are best used for detecting smoke and fire in various settings such as homes, offices, and public buildings. These detectors work by detecting the presence of smoke particles in the air, triggering an alarm and allowing prompt action to be taken. They are particularly effective in detecting smoldering fires, which may produce more smoke before flames are visible.
americinium is used in smoke detectors to check for smoke
Created the theory of relativity and explained the photoelectric effect
The photoelectric effect, for which he won his Nobel Prize, and the Theory of General Relativity.
He failed math in high school but later went on to postulate the theory of relativity, and he got the Nobel prize for his work on the photoelectric effect.
Just one - 1921 Nobel prize (physics). Curiously, rather than receiving an award for his more famous work on relativity, he won it for his work on the photoelectric effect, which was responsible, in part at least, for the development of quantum theory. It is arguable that, given the work that had been done previously by the likes of, for example, Lorentz, relativity was a theory waiting to happen, whereas the photoelectric effect was much more novel and far-reaching in its effects.
The first smoke detectors are based on optical principles - photoelectric detectors.
Photoelectric detectors are more sensitive to slow, smoldering fires
Photoelectric smoke detectors use a light beam to detect smoke particles, while ionization smoke detectors use radioactive particles to detect smoke. Photoelectric detectors are better at detecting smoldering fires, while ionization detectors are more sensitive to fast-flaming fires.
Photoelectric smoke detectors use a light beam to detect smoke particles, while ionization smoke detectors use radioactive particles. Photoelectric detectors are better at detecting smoldering fires, while ionization detectors are more sensitive to fast-flaming fires. Overall, photoelectric detectors are considered more effective in detecting smoke particles.
Ionization smoke detectors use a small amount of radioactive material to ionize the air, while photoelectric smoke detectors use a light beam to detect smoke particles. Ionization detectors are better at detecting fast-flaming fires, while photoelectric detectors are more sensitive to slow-smoldering fires.
The main difference between a photoelectric smoke detector and an ionization smoke detector is the way they detect smoke. Photoelectric detectors use a light beam to detect smoke particles, while ionization detectors use radioactive particles to detect smoke. Photoelectric detectors are better at detecting smoldering fires, while ionization detectors are more sensitive to fast-burning fires.
Photoelectric smoke detectors are advantageous because they are more effective at detecting smoldering fires, they are less prone to false alarms from cooking or steam, and they have a longer lifespan compared to other types of smoke detectors.
There are two smoke-sensing technologies commonly used in residential smoke detectors: photoelectric and ionization
There are two smoke-sensing technologies commonly used in residential smoke detectors: photoelectric and ionization
Ionization smoke detectors use a small amount of radioactive material to ionize the air, while photoelectric smoke detectors use a light beam to detect smoke particles. Both technologies are effective in detecting smoke and fire, but photoelectric detectors are generally more effective at detecting smoldering fires, while ionization detectors are better at detecting fast-flaming fires. It is recommended to have both types of detectors in your home for maximum safety.
A photoelectric smoke detector uses a light sensor to detect smoke particles in the air. It is different from other types of smoke detectors, like ionization detectors, because it is more sensitive to smoldering fires and less likely to give false alarms from cooking or steam.
Silicon is my best guess