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Q: What are These are larger than ash but smaller than volcanic bombs and blocks?
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Posssible products of an eruption include volcanic bombs and cinders and smaller debris called?

lapilli. Lapilli are small fragments of magma expelled during a volcanic eruption that solidify before hitting the ground. They are larger than volcanic ash but smaller than volcanic bombs.

What is the difference between volcanic ash and volcanic bombs?

Volcanic ash is fine particles of fragmented volcanic rock that are ejected into the air during an eruption, while volcanic bombs are larger, often rounded pieces of molten rock that solidify before landing. Ash is carried by winds and can travel long distances, whereas volcanic bombs usually fall near the eruption site due to their larger size and weight.

What are 4 different types of solid pyroclastics?

The 4 different types of solid pyroclastics are volcanic bombs, lapilli, volcanic ash, and volcanic blocks

What do you call the various type that ejected by a volcano?

The various types of material ejected by a volcano are called volcanic products, which can include ash, lava flows, pyroclastic flows, volcanic gases, and volcanic bombs. These materials vary in size, composition, and behavior depending on the type of volcano and the eruption style.

What do you call the particles produced in volcanic eruptions?

tephra, ash, cinders, bombs, blocks, etc. depending on size.

What are large volcanic rock particles called?

Lapilli--Lapilli is pyroclastics the size of walnuts.Cinders-- Cinders are a type of pyroclastic material the size of a pea. According to the text, Earth An Introduction to Physical Geology, Cinders come in different forms when "ejected lava blobs are pulverized by the escaping gases".Blocks-- Blocks are particles larger than Lapilli's and are formed by harden lava.Bombs-- Bombs too help to produce blocks, but they are ejected as lava. They take on an streamline shape. They usually tend to fall on the slopes of a cone volcano and they can be ejected far from the volcano due to the force of escaping gasesI answered this earlier but this is a better answer ;)

What is the larger-sized tephra?

The larger-sized tephra is known as volcanic bombs. These are ejected as incandescent lava fragments that solidify while flying through the air and can reach several meters in diameter. Volcanic bombs are usually formed during explosive eruptions at volcanoes.

What is a pyroclast flow of the volcano?

a pyroclastic flow is a cloud of volcanic bombs, volcanic blocks, volcanic ash, and lapilli. these flows can achieve speeds at over 125 miles per hour and can be more than 750 degrees Celsius.

What is made of volcanic ash cinders and bombs?

Tephra consists of volcanic ash, cinders, and volcanic bombs. Tephra is ejected during explosive volcanic eruptions and can vary in size from tiny ash particles to large volcanic bombs.

Identify four types of pyroclastic material and the characteristics of each type of material?

Volcanic bombs, large blobs of magma that harden in the air, lapilli, pebblelike bits of magma that harden before they hit the ground, volcanic ash, forms when the gases in stiff magma expands, and volcanic blocks, large angular pieces of solid rock.

What is a volcanic mountain made up of volcanic ash cinders and bombs?

A volcanic mountain made up of volcanic ash, cinders, and bombs is called a Cinder Cone Volcano.