The longitude lines cover the vertical side of the earth and the latitude lines cover the horizontal side. This gives you map coordination's.
Divide a vertical side into 8. Draw lines parallel to a horizontal side. You will have 8 horizontal strips.Divide a horizontal side into 8. Draw lines parallel to a vertical side. You will have 8 vertical strips.Divide the square in half horizontally, divide both halves horizontally and then divide them all vertically.Divide the square in half horizontally, divide both halves vertically and then divide them all vertically again.These are some. There are also methods involving diagonal divisions or L-shaped pieces.
Non-vertical lines could be slanted or horizontal.
horizontal lines are lines which may be at the angle of 00,1800,3600.if vertical lines stand on horizontal lines it is in the angle of 900
On the basis of the information and context provided in the question, the answer must be "vertical lines".
Lines of longitude, or meridians.
horizontal lines represent latitude and vertical lines represent longitude
The vertical component of Earth's magnetic field is zero at the magnetic equator, where the magnetic field lines are horizontal. At the magnetic equator, the magnetic field lines run parallel to the Earth's surface, resulting in a zero vertical component.
Bar lines, or measure lines.
Longitude lines run north-south and divide the Earth into the Eastern and Western Hemispheres, while latitude lines run east-west and divide the Earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. The intersection of latitude and longitude lines creates a grid system that helps identify specific locations on Earth.
Scientists use latitude and longitude lines to divide the Earth into sections. These lines create a grid system that helps pinpoint specific locations on the Earth's surface.
vertical lines across the body
latitude lines I think