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Their feet are webbed, so good for swimming.

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Q: What are a mallards feet good for?
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Related questions

Why do mallards live in marshes?

Marshes provide mallards with a variety of food, and good nesting areas. They also provide the mallards with shelter/protection form predators.

What is the locomotion of a mallard?

Mallards fly, swim by paddlin with their feet, walk, waddle and run.

Do hen mallards nest in trees?

Mallards make their nests in depressions in the ground usually in tall grass and within 100 feet of water but a few ducks do nest in trees on a regular basis, and these include the Bufflehead, Wood Duck, Goldeneyes and Mergansers.

When was Quad City Mallards created?

Quad City Mallards was created in 2009.

How do you use the word mallards in a sentence?

Example sentence - The ducks in the pond were all mallards.

What are the types of ducks?

Some common types of ducks include mallards, wood ducks, teal, pintails, and buffleheads. These ducks vary in size, coloration, and habitat preferences. There are over 120 species of ducks found worldwide.

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Where to find MT Johansen pair of mallards lithograph?

I have a copy of the photographed m.t. Johanson pair of mallards lithograph

Is mallard a mammal?

Mallards are ducks that breed in temperate and subtropical America. The male mallards are well known for their green heads and grey and brown bodies while the female mallards are speckled brown all over.

Are mallards mammals?

Mallards,or Anas platyrhynchos, are birds, not mammals. Birds are warm-blooded, have feathers, a beak, and lay eggs.

Where do Mallards live?

You can find mallards nearly anywhere there is a pond or lake, or river.Mallards are very common and very tame in England.

What are colorful ducks called?
