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A Community.

Several populations make up a community. Communities interact with the non-living world around and make up an eco-system.

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Q: What are all of the populations of different species that live and interact in an area?
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What are all or the populations of different species that live and interact in an area called?

a community

What are all of the populations of different species that live and interact in an area called?

It's called a community.

All of the populations of species that live and interact in an area?

An ecosystem is made up of all the populations of species that live and interact in a specific area. This includes plants, animals, and microorganisms, as well as the physical environment they inhabit. Ecosystems are characterized by the flow of energy and nutrients among the different organisms within them.

All of the populations of different species that live and interact in an area?

An ecosystem is composed of all the populations of different species that live and interact in a specific area. These interactions can include competition for resources, predation, and mutualistic relationships. Ecosystems can vary in size, from a small pond to a vast forest.

What are all the populations of different species that live an interact in an area?

A Community.Several populations make up a community. Communities interact with the non-living world around and make up an eco-system.

Population of different species that live and interact in an area?

An ecosystem includes populations of different species that interact with each other and their environment. These interactions can be competition for resources, predation, mutualism, or symbiosis. The balance between these populations is important for the overall health and stability of the ecosystem.

What is all the populations of different the species that live and interact in an area?

Several populations make up a community. Communities interact with the non-living world around and make up an cousin.

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All of the populations of different speices that live and interact in an area?

An Ecosystem.

What is of the populations of different spiecies that live and interact in an area called?


what is the difference between species, population, and community.?

A species is a group of organisms capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring. A population consists of all individuals of the same species living in a specific area at a given time. A community is made up of different populations of species living in the same area and interacting with each other.

Two or more different populations living in the same area make up?

A community. A community consists of populations of different species that live and interact within a particular habitat or ecosystem. These populations can have various interactions such as competition, predation, and symbiosis within the community.