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Q: What are all of the square numbers up to 365?
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How many odd numbers are there up to the number 365?

Approximately 182.

What are all the square numbers up to 12?

1, 4 and 9.

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square numbers 1 to 1000

How do you find an average in math?

add up all of the numbers then divide by how many numbers you have. Ex: 12+56+85+32+32+65+42+41 this equals: 365 now you divide this by 8 because that's how many numbers this problem has. so you divide 365 by 8 and get: 45.6 (approxomatly)

What is a set of square numbers?

There is just one set of square numbers; it is the set of all numbers which are squares of whole numbers:- i.e 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, ... and so on up to infinity in other words, it's the set of all numbers whose square root is a whole number.

What is the number of odd numbers in a book of 365?

183=365/2 rounded up To find the number of odd numbers in a set starting with 1, simply divide by 2 and round up. (Likewise, to find the number of even numbers, divide by 2 and round down.)

What are all the square numbers up to 20000?

There are 141 of them and, if you really must have them, use your calculator.