2 is the smallest prime number. 11 and 97 are the least and greatest two-digit prime numbers.
All the two digit prime numbers that can be reversed are 11, 13 and 31, 17 and 71, 37 and 73, and 79 and 97.
They are all the numbers except 79 83 89 and 97 which are prime numbers because they have only two factors.
97 and 997 are two.
There are no prime numbers between 89 and 97.
No two prime numbers added together have a sum of 97. All primes except the number 2 are odd numbers, and two odd numbers added together always produce an even sum.
2 is the smallest prime number. 11 and 97 are the least and greatest two-digit prime numbers.
These numbers are ALL prime.
97 is prime.
All the two digit prime numbers that can be reversed are 11, 13 and 31, 17 and 71, 37 and 73, and 79 and 97.
97, 109, and 137 are all prime
The numbers in the 90s are all composite, apart from 97, which is prime.
Just 97.
All but 97 are composite.