

What are all the cillins?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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Q: What are all the cillins?
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If your allergic to penicillin what other drug you be allergic to?

If you are allergic to penicillin, you may also be allergic to other "cillins", such as amoxicillin, and others.

What to do if your kid has allergy reaction to amoxicillin?

my child has reaction to this to the doctor told me to make sure she never has any cillins at all or in the same family of that med .some kids do grow out of it and to keep her a way from red 40 dies that is in it too. i hope this does help

Is your son allergic to amoxicillin if he started getting red raised bumps after taking it for three days?

He might be allergic to penicillin and all derivatives of penicillin (and of the "cillins."). It's best to check with your pediatrician however. I can't take penicillin. I break out in the same red bumps. Don't worry though. Penicillin allergy is probably the most common kind. And there are plenty of other antibiotic-type medicines out there! Just remind him when he gets older that he's allergic to penicillin because he will be asked about drug allergies constantly! ~ T

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Superficial staph infections can generally be cured by keeping the area clean,using soaps that leave a germ-killing film on the skin. Severe or recurrent infections may require.penicillin or other oral antibiotics.Intravenous antibiotics.Surgery.

Do you say all in all or all and all?

all in allIt's all in all

Is it 'All for one and all for all'?

Actually it's, "One for all and all for one".

All is or All are?

All are (proper English), All is (Slang)

Is it all have or all has?

"All have." For example, "all have fallen short."

What part of speech is the phrase all and all?

All and all is a phrase it is not a part of speech. Words are parts of speech.I think the phrase should be all in all not all and all.All in all is used to introduce a summary or a general statement - All in all it was a good day.

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All the

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The contraction for "all is" is "all's"

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I found: You are my all in all by Dennis Jernigan