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Jinx, Double jinx, Triple jinx, Quadruple jinx, 5 jinx, 6 jinx, 7 jinx, 8 jinx, 9 jinx, 10 jinx, Rainbow jinx, Black Magic jinx, and Sorry the jinx machine is out of order, please insert 50 billion coins. :D

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Related questions

How do you Unlock set 6 on Harry Potter and Goblet of Fire?

You have to do all the side quests and master all of the jinxes to unlock the last set.

Are jinxes real?

No, they are not. They are just a figment of people's imaginations.

When do students learn Jinxes at Hogwarts?

Presumably they're Dark Arts classes

How do you cast different jinxes in the Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire video game?

In both the PlayStation 2 and GameCube editions of the game the spell controls are as follows: Cross for Jinxes Triangle for Accio Circle for Magicus Extremos Square for Charm Spell

When first walking into the Room of Requirements in Order of the Phoenix what book does Hermione start reading?

Jinxes for the Jinxed

What does the spell finite incantatum do in Harry Potter?

Stops any active spells, jinxes, charms, hexes or incatations.

What are some things people are afraid of that begin with the letter J?

People are afraid of jackals, jaguars, jail, jellyfish, jinxes and job interviews.

Can Harry Potter kill Darth Vader?

Yes ,harry can kill darth vader as harry is good and good always wins and harry can do many curses hexes,jinxes, charms and other spells

What is the difference between a curse hex and jinx in Harry Potter?

In Harry Potter, a curse is a spell intended to cause harm or injury, a hex is a spell that causes misfortune or discomfort, and a jinx is a spell meant to annoy or inconvenience. While curses are dark magic and can have severe consequences, hexes and jinxes are usually less harmful but still considered dark magic.

Is pretego a Harry Potter spell?

Yes, Protego (pronounced proh-TAY-go) is a Harry Potter spell better known as the Shield Charm. It causes jinxes, curses and hexes to rebound the protector. HOPE I HELPED!! -HPFan4Lyfe!

Did Harry Potter learn to do witchcraft?

He learned magic. I suppose it is the same thing, but in the fictitious Harry Potter world it is simply called "magic". Other words used in Harry Potter for specific types of magic include "potions", "hexes", "jinxes".

Is Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire confusing?

No, it is quite simple. Your main button jinxes. ("A" on GameCube) The different attacks are mostly random, like Inflatous, but Avifors can be done by stunning a creature (several small jinxes) and then lifting it up, Wingarium Leviosa ("B" button), while p.2 or comp. attacks. "B" button (remember, Gamecube) will shoot water, lift things, or grow plants. That depends on location. "Y" button draws beans (money$$) and pumpkin-things (health!!!) towards you. "X" increases your magic temporarily when the meter is full. These are the basics. Button letters change from system to system, but controls are the same. One more thing, Joystick moves