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Q: What are all the measurements for time?
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When using measurements in recipes, a chef uses math all the time.

What systolic time interval measurements is normally the longest?

the systolic time interval measurements are longest at LVET.

What are Selena gomez's measurements?

As of April 2011, Selena Gomez's measurements were 34 inch bust, 24 inch waist, and 36 inch hips. However, measurements change all the time, and are not constant, so they might be slightly different now.

What is similar about decimal measurements of volume,mass,and lenght?

They all are measurements and they all have something to do with matha and life

Why is aviation measurements in imperial when all the other measurements are in metric?

0.65237 by 3.57

What term for the relationship between the speed oflight and measurements of time and space?

The term for the relationship between the speed of light and measurements of time and space is "special relativity." This theory, proposed by Albert Einstein, describes how space and time are intertwined and how the speed of light is constant for all observers regardless of their relative motion.

What are the three types of measurements?

Meter Volume Weight ====================== Mass Length Time Electric charge All other measurements are combinations of these.

What is the relationship between physics and measurements?

Practically all measurements are based on physics.

In what seven types of quantities may all physics measurements be expressed?

seven types of quantities may all physics measurements be expressed?

What two measurements are invloved with speed?

Time and distance.

What a ratio of two measurements with different units?


What do measurements of velocity and acceleration have in common?

TIME is a factor in both measurements. Velocity is speed (distance divided by TIME) in a given direction. Acceleration is measured in velocity per unit of TIME. Therefore, they both have TIME in common.