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Q: What are all the phases in the hundred meter race?
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How does a trivector meter works?

A trivector meter is used to measure electrical parameters in three-phase systems. It measures voltage, current, power factor, and energy consumption in all three phases. This meter uses three separate measuring elements to capture the parameters in each phase simultaneously, providing a comprehensive analysis of the electrical system's performance.

How the Olympics started?

The Olympics started in ancient Greece in Athens, it was called the Olympics after the gods of Olympus (The Greek Gods). It was said the Hercules (A myth) found the Olympic games. The Olympic games was to honour Zeus the Greek god of all gods and was also to honour many other Olympic gods (But mainly Zeus) The first olympic event was a 200 meter foot race and fifty years fter that a second race was added, the four hundred meter race, many other sports then followed.

How do you convert 20.25 sq meter to sq cm?

One meter is equal to one hundred centimeters. This means that one square meter is equal to 100 squared square centimeters, or 10000 square centimeters. All you need to do then in multiply that 20.25 by 10000.

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As with any month there are all the phases of the moon.

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The rules for the 800 meter are the same for all races. No hitting, cutting off, cursing, or show boating.

What length spike to use during a 1600 meter race?

it depends on what surface you run on. 1/16 inch is generally used on all weather tracks

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What will happen if we use current transformer of different rating for each phase in three phase supply?

A current transformer has to have the same ratio as the meter that it drives. Full scale deflection on the meter is 5 amps which equals the maximum allowed current on the phase that it is reading. A different ratio on the CT to meter would show an erroneous reading on the meter depending on the ratio of the connected CT. To keep costs down the meter is common to all three phases and is read by connecting the meter to the phase CT through a three position switch.

What phase is the moon in?

All phases

How long it takes to see all the phases if the moon?

It takes about 29.5 days to see all the phases of the moon, starting from a new moon to a full moon and back to a new moon. Each phase lasts about 7-8 days.

What events did Mark Spitz win gold medals in at the 1972 Summer Olympics?

Mark Spitz won 7 gold medals and is possibly the best swimmer there ever was. He won the one-hundred and two-hundred meter butterflies, the one-hundred, two-hundred, four-hundred, and eight-hundred meter free-syle, and the four-hundred meter medley relay.