3x50=150 the prime number in this case is 3
151, 157.
The product of the prime factors of 150 is 150 (2 x 3 x 5 x 5 = 150).
Prime Factorization means multiples of prime numbers. For example take 150 number, 150=2*75 2*25*3 2*3*5*5 2,3 and are the prime numbers. We have to do this process until we get all prime numbers.
prime number in 101 to 150 = 101,103,107,109, 113,127,131,137,139,149
3x50=150 the prime number in this case is 3
151, 157.
What are prime numbers from 1-150?
The product of the prime factors of 150 is 150 (2 x 3 x 5 x 5 = 150).
The prime factorization of 150 is 2x3x5x5.
All of them. 100%. All prime numbers are odd numbers. (The exception being the number 2)
7,53,73,43,83,97,17,37,23,47,87,67,57,31, 41,51,61,71,91 are some prime numbers
Prime Factorization means multiples of prime numbers. For example take 150 number, 150=2*75 2*25*3 2*3*5*5 2,3 and are the prime numbers. We have to do this process until we get all prime numbers.
150 = 2*3*5*5