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Q: What are all the words to mean to crawl on all fours?
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What does it mean to move in all fours?

To move "on all fours" would be to crawl on your hands on knees.

Best thing to have a boyfriend do?

crawl on all fours whilst you're riding on his back! lol

What does on all fours mean?

it means 3 fours

Do meerkats stand up on their hind legs?

Yes, they can stand up on their hind legs and crawl on all fours.

How does the Red Panda travel?

they walk on their feet and their cubs crawl and so do they the cubs are under the parent they walk on their feet and their cubs crawl and so do they the cubs are under the parent

What does the saying on all fours mean?

knows no reason or rhyme

Does a raccoon walk on it's hind legs or crawl?

Raccoons, like dogs, can walk short distances on two legs but almost always walk on all fours.

What is a dogs locomotion?

Dogs use their legs to move. In other words, they walk on all fours.

What does the phrase on all fours mean?

It means that you get down on your hands and knees, and stand like a four legged animal, 'on all fours'.

What is the meaning of the phrase on all fours?

on all fours = crawling around on hands and knees.

What animal walks on all fours then on two legs then back on all fours again?

The animal that walks on all fours, then on two legs, and then back on all fours again is a human. As babies, humans crawl on all fours, then learn to walk upright on two legs, and might sometimes crawl again for various reasons.

Do squirrels land on all fours if they fall out of the tree?

Yes, squirrels do land on all fours if they fall out of the tree.