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Q: What are arithmetic operaters can be perform on pointer?
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Which two pointer does not increment or decrement in arithmetic array?

constant pointer and character pointer

Why can't I perform arithmetic on a void pointer?

It's by design. You can still do it, with type-cast: void *p; p= (void *)((char *)p + 256);

What are the functions of arithmetic logic unit?

The Arithmetic Logic Unit as suggested by the name carries out the arithmetic calculations of the computer.

What is the effect of various arithmetic operators on a pointers?

Error message, mainly. The following operations are legal: ptr + integer (pointer) ptr - integer (pointer) ptr - ptr (integer)

How do you perform arithmetic operations on binary numbers?

There are a few rules to perform arithmetic operations in binary numbers. According to those rules you can add or subtract binary numbers. There are only two arithmetic operations used in binary numbers, they are addition and subtraction.

Which part of CPU perform logical function?

ALU-Arithmetic and logic unit.

Is it true the arithmetic operator directs excel to perform the division operation?


What arithmetic operator directs Excel to perform the division operation?

the divide symbol (/)

What jobs do computer operators perform?

"Computer operaters can preform virus detection, as well as programming . They are also able to set up and run spechilized programes that are much to complex for most people."

What is a Arithmetic logical unit?

The Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) is the heart of a CPU. This is what allows the computer to add, subtract, and to perform basic logical operations.

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What is a universal pointer?

A universal pointer is a pointer variable that does not specify the type being pointed at. That is, it can be used to store any memory address regardless of the type of object actually stored at that address. It can be likened to a variable type, but you cannot dereference the memory address without providing some mechanism for determining the actual type stored at that memory address. Generally you would use a universal pointer when you don't actually care what type resides at the address, you are only interested in the address itself. But just as a typed pointer can point to 0 (or NULL), so can a universal pointer, which simply means it points at nothing at all.