being able to change color naturally (like a snow hare), babies knowing how to suck to feed when they are born, and animals living in groups.
LCM of 4 and 5 is 20 LCM of 6 and 3 is 6 LCM of 5 and 7 is 35
From pages 3 thru 29 are examples"
1, 2, 3
give at least 3 examples of technology
None of them...they all are examples of adaptation.
Yeast, Sponge, and mold
least examples of them proverbs
adaptation to environment i think
some examples of a horses functional adaptation, is that that they can sleep standing up. Their coat grows long in cold conditions.
Examples of evolutionary adaptation include the development of camouflage to avoid predators, the evolution of a protective exoskeleton in insects, the elongation of giraffe necks to reach high leaves, and the development of antibiotic resistance in bacteria.
The balsam fir has at least one adaptation which is it's waxy resin like coating on the needles. They help to preserve water.
blood vessel