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1 It's shrouded in mystery because of its hidden code of numeracy

2 1999 is accepted as MCMXCIX yet when added properly it is IMM

3 The Romans adapted it from the Etruscan numeral system

4 There is no need for a zero symbol

5 Less numerals are used than in todays Hindu-Arabic system

6 The Romans would never write out 4 as IV because of superstition

7 Some numerals can be abridged to less numerals but of equal value

8 They are collated differently today than in Roman times

9 Arithmetic is simplier when collated correctly

10 Positional place value of numerals are self evident

11 They can be calculated on an abacus counting device

12 Brackets are used to increase the value of numerals

13 Knowledge of it helps to understand algebra

14 They can be used in sending secret messages

15 They have stood the test of time as they are still used today

16 The numerals of IV and VI are ingrained into your palms

17 Some numerals can be calculated in 2 different ways

18 They are added and subtracted horizontally rather than vertically

19 Julius Caesar worked out his 12 month calendar using Roman numerals

20 Now buried in the dust of history its hidden truth still goes marching on

QED by David Gambell

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Q: What are at least facts features and advantages of the Roman numerals system if any at all?
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Roman Numerals

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