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Q: What are binary form musical pieces?
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What is a musical statement followed by a repeat of that statement and a counter statement called?

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What is 10011 in binary form?

it is itself in a binary form :) but if its in decimal form.. then its binary equivalent will be..(10011100011011) if it is in binry form.. its equivalent will be..(19)

What are some examples of musical pieces that feature fanfare?

There are quite a number of examples of various musical pieces that feature fanfare. One of the best examples of these types of musical pieces is Fanfare for the Common Man.

What is the number 11 in the binary system?

11 in binary form: 1011 11 is binary form of 3

What is the musical term for when the song has nobody singing?

Musical pieces that don't have any lyrics or singing are called instrumental pieces.

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Musical piece to be played and not sung?

We sing songs and we play musical pieces. A song may be accompanied by musical instruments or can be sung in an a cappella form , but composed music without vocal is not a song. Music without vocal may be referred to as a musical piece or a number.

Is a memory address in Binary form?

memory address is stored in binary form

What distinguishes sonata form from ternary form?

Sonata form is different to other musical forms such as binary and ternary form, in that it comprises aspects of both. For example, its use of key relationships (e.g. tonic to dominant and back to tonic) is similar to that of binary form, whereas the fact that it is divided into three parts makes it similar to ternary form. Later, the sonata form also developed a coda, which was not present in binary or ternary form.

Examples of gathering in musical pieces?

examples of musical piece in broken time