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Q: What are careers suitable if you are good at math but bad at programming and science?
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What careers are suitable for those who are good at math but not programming?

A mathematician or simply an accountant

What careers are suitable for those who are good at math but not science and computer science?

Well if you are really good at math you could be a mathematician.

What careers are suitable for those who are good at math but not computer science?

A math coach or a math teacher :) ;)

Is it true that if you are good at mathematics but not programming you will fail computer science?

No, you probably won't fail computer science. Probably. Mathematics involves logic and problem solving - which is a major part of computer science. Although programming is also a big part of computer science, there are quite a lot of branches to do with computers, and you don't necessarily have to work with programming. I'm good at maths and not so good at programming but I still did pretty well (better than all the hard-core programmers) in the computer science / programming class. If that's any consolation.

Does being good at math but bad at computer programming mean you are bad at science?


Is it possible to reprogram a laser mouse to scan retinas?

No, the hardware in a mouse is not suitable, no matter how good you are at programming.

Is it possible for you to be good at science and engineering if you are good at math and economics but not biology and programming?

Not so sure about economics but you will need physics.

Do you suck at physics and engineering if you are good at math but bad at chemistry computer science and programming?

That depends on the individual

How can one be good at math but bad at science essay writing and computer programming?

It's simple really, there are people who are mathematically oriented but not science oriented

Is Python used for computer programming or software programming?

Computer programming is the process of making software. The expression software programming isn't much used, but would mean exactly the same.Python is a general purpose interpreted programming language. It is not suitable for highly optimised code, or for operating system programming, but a good choice for many other situations.

Is it true that if you are good at math but bad at programming and writing papers and or essays you will fail science engineering as well as business?

Not really. Science Engineering deals basically with Math subjects. Therefore, if you're good in Math, you'll do good in Science Engineering.

Is physics suitable for people who are good with math?

maybe. You also need a knowledge / interest in science.