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Q: What are cells that are found in small depressions on the endosteal surfaces?
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What cells are found in small depressions on the endosteal surfaces?

The cells are the osteoclasts, and the name of the shallow depression is the osteoclastic crypt.

What is the function of human epitheal cells?

Human epithelial cells serve as a protective barrier against external pathogens and toxins, help with absorption and secretion of substances, and provide structural support to tissues and organs in the body. They are found in various parts of the body, including the skin, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, and reproductive system.

Which substances are found on cell surfaces and respond to nerve and hormone signals?

Receptors, such as neurotransmitter receptors and hormone receptors, are found on cell surfaces. These receptors bind to specific signaling molecules like neurotransmitters and hormones, allowing cells to respond to these signals and initiate a biological response.

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Bowl-shaped depressions or hollows found near mountain peaks?

These are likely cirques, which are bowl-shaped depressions formed by glacial erosion near mountain peaks. Glaciers carve out cirques through a combination of plucking and abrasion, creating distinctive features in mountainous regions.

What are bowl-shaped depressions or hollows found near mountain peaks?


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What are found on the outer surfaces of stromatolites?

Microbial mats and sediment layers are typically found on the outer surfaces of stromatolites. These structures are formed by the trapping and binding of sediment particles by microbial communities, resulting in layered structures visible on the surface.

Where are globlet cells found?

Goblet cells are found in the lining of the respiratory and digestive tracts, where they secrete mucus to protect and lubricate the surfaces of these tissues. They are particularly abundant in the intestines and respiratory passages.

Why are the cells of epithelial tissue tightly placed against each other?

It is because cells of epithelial tissues are found covering numerous internal and external surfaces of the body and may also be modified to form glandular structures.

What are dust cells?

Dust cells are specialized cells found in the respiratory system that help remove foreign particles, such as dust or pathogens, from the airways. They play a role in defending the lungs against inhaled pollutants and maintaining respiratory health. Dust cells are also known as alveolar macrophages.

Can rhinovirus be found in and out of your body?

Yes. It can be found on hard surfaces for days.