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Its very unlikely, but its possible. Its happended a few times in history....... so, probley 1 in 700,000 chance i think.

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Q: What are chances of having twins with no history of twins in the family?
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Does eating soy increase your chances of having twins?

No, but if you have twins in your family there is a good chance of twins but soy stuff does not increase or decrease your chance of having twins.

How common would it be to have twins?

The likelihood of having twins varies depending on factors such as genetics, age, and ethnicity. On average, twins occur in about 1 in 30 births. Factors such as fertility treatments, family history of twins, and maternal age can increase the chances of having twins.

If your grandma on your mom's side is a twin and your husband is a twin what are your chances of having twins?

the genes for twins only matter on your mother's side. Having a male partner with a history of twins will not affect you.

What are the chances of identical twins?

the chances of having identical twins are about 1 in 300.

What are some ways to increase chances of having twins?

Oh yes it does! I never dreamt I would become pregnant with twins. There are no twins in my side of the family. None that I know of. However, at my baby shower, I found out from my boyfriend's family that there were at least 4 sets of twins in his family; his grandmother had twins, his grand aunt had 2 sets of twins and his cousin had twins. It's amazing how science doesn't know everything because my high school friend had fraternal twins and when she found out I was having identical twins she told me that that wasn't hereditary, but obviously it is after learning my boyfriend's family's history.

I am a fraternal twin what are the odds of me having twins?

As a fraternal twin, your chances of having twins are higher than the general population, but it's not a guarantee. The genetic component that increases the likelihood of conceiving fraternal twins is typically passed down through the maternal line. However, there are also other factors that can influence the chances of conceiving twins, such as age and family history.

What are the odds of having twins with no family history?

Every one who has ever been born has a family history, no matter what their circumstance.

My grandmothers sister had twins what are my chances?

Overall chances of your having twins are about 3.2%. According to several sources, here are some factors in increasing your chances of having twins: You are over 45 (17% of women over 45 have twins). You have twins in your family on your mom's side (17%). You are African-American. You have been pregnant before. You have had twins before (12%). You are undergoing fertility treatment. You are overweight. You are tall.

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If my husband is twin what is my chances of having twins if there are no twins on my side of the family?

Yes, twins have more likelihood of having twins than other people who are not twins. >>> This is only true if it is the female who is a twin. Since twinning is caused by either a) ovulating more than one egg at a time (fraternal twins) or b) having the egg separate completely during mitosis (identical twins), it doesn't make any difference whether or not the male partner is a twin. It all has to do with the ova; therefore, only the female's family history of twins matters.

There has not been twins in your husbands side of the family in over 70 years what are your chances of having twins?

there is a 1 in 7 chance that you will have twins scientificly but you could be a lucky one if you wish for it enough.

What is the chances of having twins when your mother has two sets of twins im a twin and your boy friends dads cousins are twins and his grans sisters are twins?

Sounds like a good chance! You sound like my family LOL!