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Q: What are characteristics of distribution?
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Can you get a negative chi square statistic?

The characteristics of the chi-square distribution are: A. The value of chi-square is never negative. B. The chi-square distribution is positively skewed. C. There is a family of chi-square distributions.

What are characteristics of the X2?

It is not negative. it is positively skewed, and it approaches a normal distribution as the degrees of freedom increase. Its shape is NEVER based on the sample size.

How can you use statistical measures to compare populations?

There are different methods for comparing the mean, variance or standard error, distribution or other characteristics of populations. Without more specific information it is not possible to answer the question.

What are the characteristics of continuous distribution?

The probability distribution function (pdf) is defined over a domain which contains at least one interval in which the pdf is positive for all values. Usually the domain is either the whole of the real numbers or the positive real numbers, but it can be a finite interval: for example, the uniform continuous distribution. Also, trivially, the pdf is always non-negative, the integral of the pdf, over the whole real line, equals 1.

Is normal distribution also a probability distribution?

Yes. When we refer to the normal distribution, we are referring to a probability distribution. When we specify the equation of a continuous distribution, such as the normal distribution, we refer to the equation as a probability density function.

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What are the characteristics a standard normal probability distribution?

I apologize my question should have read what are the characteristics of a standard normal probability distribution? Thank you

What are the factors to be considered in channel distribution?

There are many factors to be considered in channel of distribution. Just a few of them include target market characteristics, nature of the product, cost efficiency, company characteristics, middleman characteristics, and competition characteristics.

Is not a characteristics of a normal distribution.?

Skewness is not a characteristic.

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1.demand characteristics. characteristics. 3.product characteristics. 4.price characteristics. or distribution characteristics. 6.promotional characteristics. 7.behavioral characteristics.

What are the characteristics of populations?

There are so many characteristics of human population. Some of the common features of the human population include densities, ethnicities, distribution and languages among others.

What are the factors in selecting distribution channel for a cereal?

Customer Characteristics, Product Attributes, Type of Organization, Competition, Marketing Environmental Forces and Characteristics of Intermediaries are all factors in selecting a distribution channel.

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What is distriubution?

distribution is the spreading of goods or services or other desirable characteristics of organizations throughout other entities who are awaiting their share of the distribution.

What characteristics about the Standard Normal Distribution make it different from any normal distribution?

The mean is 0 and the variance is 1. This need not be the case in any other Normal (Gaussian) distribution.

Which factors influence the selection of distribution channel?

1)distribution policy 2)characteristics of the product 3)the target customer in view 4)supply characteristics 5)type of middlemen in the field 6)channel competition 7)potential volume of the sale 8)costs of distribution 9)profit expected in the long run

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Sturdy, combat proven, fairly easy to make, worldwide distribution.

What characteristics applies to both the Tang and Song dynasties?

A reliable food production and distribution system