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Q: What are characteristics of product inseparability?
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What are examples of inseparability of tourism product?

loans have to be given to tourists visiting the site

What do you mean by inseparability?

Inseparability means - Not capable of being separated . In other words - indivisible . Example- These rocks are inseparable.

What are the characteristics of the lodging industry?

1.focus on safety,cleanliness and service 2.inseparability of manufacture and sales 3.perishability 4.repititiveness 5.labor intensive ;)

What is the Introduction of characteristic of service?

The introduction of characteristics of service refers to identifying and understanding the unique attributes that differentiate services from goods. These characteristics include intangibility, inseparability, variability, and perishability, which impact how services are designed, delivered, and consumed. Understanding these characteristics is crucial for developing effective service strategies and enhancing customer experiences.

Characteristics of service and their marketing implication?

The characteristics of service are perish ability, intangibility, heterogeneity variability, and inseparability. Their marketing implication are that quality is reliant upon uncontrollable factors, lack of being sure whether the deliveries are the correct ones to be promoted and planned, satisfaction and delivery to the customer are dependent on employees.

What is product characteristics?

A product characteristic is an attribute or property of the product that describes the product's ability to satisfy its purpose in a larger system.

What are the characteristics of industrial market?

1.demand characteristics. characteristics. 3.product characteristics. 4.price characteristics. or distribution characteristics. 6.promotional characteristics. 7.behavioral characteristics.

What are the characteristics of products and how do marketers classify products?

Characteristics of a product are products are tangible,products can see,

Does the product of a chemical reaction retain the same characteristics of the reactants?


What are the Characteristics of growth in product development?

Demand and urge for change

What are the characteristics of a good product?

good quality saisfation etc

What is the level at which the product's primary characteristics operate?

The level at which a product's primary characteristics operate is typically at its baseline functionality or performance specifications. This is the level at which the product is designed to function optimally and provide its intended benefits to the user. Deviations from this level may result in reduced efficiency or effectiveness of the product.