They are numbers in the complex field where the two components - the real and imaginary parts - are expressed in decimal form.
An ordered pair can contain any valid numbers - integers, fractions, decimals, or even complex numbers.
Two of them are terminating decimals and recurring decimals
You need decimals when you measure and fractions. You need decimals, because to measure and fractions. Also, so whole numbers could exist if there are decimals. There will be no math if there's no decimals.
terminating decimals repeating decimals
Some decimals are. Counting numbers are a proper subset of decimals.
You convert the real part and the imaginary parts separately.
No. Negative numbers form a set of numbers. Numbers written as decimals is a notation for writing numbers. Different things.Negative numbers can be written as decimals, fractions, complex numbers, etc.Numbers written as decimals can be either negative numbers, zero, or positive numbers. They can also be integer numbers or real numbers.
An ordered pair can contain any valid numbers - integers, fractions, decimals, or even complex numbers.
terminating decimals and repeating decimals
Two of them are terminating decimals and recurring decimals
terminating decimals non terminating decimals repeating decimals non repeating decimals
The answer depends on what you wish to do with decimals.
Terminating decimals are decimals that end, such as, 2.384. Non-terminating decimals that don't end, such as, 0.3333333333.......
3rd. Adding Decimals 5th - Adding and subtracting 6th - Dividing Decimals
You need decimals when you measure and fractions. You need decimals, because to measure and fractions. Also, so whole numbers could exist if there are decimals. There will be no math if there's no decimals.
terminating decimals repeating decimals