

Best Answer

If u get hurt and get a cast on ur leg u might get them to help u walk...

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Q: What are crutches?
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'I was sad because I had no shoes until I met a man that had no feet' where is this from and is it the complete story?

Its a poem by Sheikh Saadi...... Why is it only me? I sit in a corner and think. Why is it only me? In search of a just answer I blink. I look around to find everyone the same, I do no different, then why only my name? I too play fair, you too do cheat at the game At the end, why only me is to blame? I always did try my best, in vain, For in the end, again, I did fail. From where I am, I can clearly see, Everyone's on track, only I derail. Kneeling down to GOD, I cry, "Why do only I suffer? Why only me?", I sigh. Cursing my life, in which i had no pride, "Dear God, the reason for living has died". "Thank you God!" another voice I heard, I looked up to see an old man beside. Frail and weak, with a smile he murmured, "Thank you God, I feel satisfied." After his prayers, I went up to him, Curious about his reason for gratitude. I learnt that today he managed to sell some fruit, For two days, his children were without food. His only earning, helped him buy some bread, Happy he was, for his children and wife ate. I realised he was blind, for he started groping his hand, It was for his crutches, which he needed to stand. I looked at myself, and felt ashamed I have everything, that he has lost. He is all grateful, for a small meal, And Im complaining on a trivial deal. With tears of remorse, I saw him leave, Limping but with a smile on, I wanted to stop and help him in some way Before I could, he was gone. This episode reminded me of an old saying, "I was crying for shoes till I saw a man with no legs." I sat there whole night praying, Thanking HIM for things Ive got, Rather than grieving for those I have not.

Related questions

How do you say crutches in French?

crutches are 'des béquilles' in French.

What is the plural of crutch?

Singular ; crutch Plural ; crutches

How do you create american girl doll crutches in your house crutches?

Sorry but you can't

Irritated a nerve around breast using crutches?

The proper way to use crutches is to place your weight on your hands, not under your arms. Crutches should be adjusted so that when you are using them, there is space between your armpit and the top of the crutches. If you are already using the crutches correctly yet you still have an irritated nerve you can try different crutches that wrap around your forearms, or use a walker or wheelchair.

How do you fake injuring your knee do that the doctor gives you crutches?

Put on an Ace bandage, buy your crutches and voila! I understand though, that walking and living with crutches is no picnic for the shoulders.

Are crutches fun?


Should you use crutches if you hurt a muscle in your thigh?

that would depend how damaged it is if it is very damaged you would need the crutches, and if it is not that damaged then you wont need it, but it will get worse without crutches

How many people use crutches?

millions of people use crutches millions and millions by chris Adams

Can I buy or rent crutches at Walgreen's?

Yes, you can typically buy or rent crutches at Walgreens. Walgreens is a popular pharmacy chain that often carries medical supplies, including crutches, for purchase. You may also be able to inquire about rental options for crutches at your local Walgreens store.

Can a baby use crutches?


Can you get crutches on club penguin?


Where are crutches sold?
