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Q: What are different values of money are called?
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Different values of money are called?

There are many different names for the value of money. A lot of people call money currency and say compare it by it's exchange rate.

What is the definition of the word denomination?

It means "Different values of money."

How does the nominal and real values of things affect the aggregate behavior of a society?

In economics, the nominal values of something are its money values in different years

Why is x called a variable?

A "variable" is something that can take different values.

Quantities that have different values at different times are called?

Time-varying quantities.

What are values what are different type of values?

values are physical-financial-social measures for utility of tangible or untangible concepts.In parenting and children social concepts-values are what a child imbibes to values everyone & everything around him.It is not limited to religion or moral values of virtues.

What is the difference between real income and money income?

In economics, the nominal values of something are its money values in different years. Real values adjust for differences in the price level in those years. Examples include a bundle of commodities, such as Gross Domestic Product, and income. For a series of nominal values in successive years, different values could be because of differences in the price level. But nominal values do not specify how much of the difference is from changes in the price level. Real values remove this ambiguity. Real values convert the nominal values as if prices were constant in each year of the series. Any differences in real values are then attributed to differences in quantities of the bundle or differences in the amount of goods that the money incomes could buy in each year....

Different values of a single hue?

different Values of a single hue is : monochromatic colors. don't lissen to the person that said somthing about some thing called ca?? if you cheated oh well..

What is a color plan that consists of different values of one color is called?

Monochromatic - is whereone colour is used but in different valuse and intensity.

What is the African money called?

Africa is a continent. It has a great number of countries with different money.

How are your traditions and values and or different from them?

Everyone will have different senses of values and traditions.

A quanity that can have more than a single value is called?

A quantity that can have more than a single value is called a variable. In mathematics, variables represent unknown or changing values that can take on different numerical values.