I am not sure
18713, 18719, 18731, 18743, 18749 18731 is the center of the 5 primes. Notice that the distance from it to each on the the left and right is the same. Now do you see what a symmetrical primes is?
Symmetrical primes are prime numbers that remain the same when their digits are reversed. The symmetrical primes between 1 and 100 are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 101. These numbers are prime because they are only divisible by 1 and themselves, and they are symmetrical because they read the same forwards and backwards.
No. Socks are not symmetrical.
is a arrow symmetrical
No but an isosceles trapezoid is symmetrical.
Yes, it is symmetrical
Pentagons can be symmetrical, but are not always so.
The space it occupies isn't symmetrical.
No the white house is not symmetrical
yes it is a symmetrical shape
It's horizontally symmetrical.