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Q: What are ellipsoid figures?
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How many faces edges and vertex are there in the different kinds of spatial figures?

There are infinitely many spatial figures and it is not possible to give a comprehensive answer. For a partial answer, see the following link. However, the link is concerned only with polyhedra. There are other spatial figures - like spheres and ellipsoid etc.

Which shape has no vertices and two faces?

A hyperboloid.A sphere, ellipsoid, toroid or paraboloid intersected by a plane.There are probably others.A hyperboloid.A sphere, ellipsoid, toroid or paraboloid intersected by a plane.There are probably others.A hyperboloid.A sphere, ellipsoid, toroid or paraboloid intersected by a plane.There are probably others.A hyperboloid.A sphere, ellipsoid, toroid or paraboloid intersected by a plane.There are probably others.

Is a ellipsoid a polyhedron?


What is a ellipsoid?

an ellipsoid is the less formal name for a geoid which is a shape which is like a sphere but is bulgy round the middle

Who was the first to claim that the earth is ellipsoid not spherical?

Newton was first claim that the earth is ellipsoid instead of spherical...

What is an example of ellipsoid joint?

The joint between radius and scaphoid + lunate should fall into the category of an ellipsoid joint.

What is the name of a squashed sphere?

An ellipsoid.

Is globe a perfect sphere?

No it is an oblate ellipsoid

What 2 shapes have curved faces?

A paraboloid and an ellipsoid.

What kind of joint is your wrist?

your wrist is an ellipsoid joint

What is the half of an oval called in 3D?

A semi-ellipsoid.