.6 & .60.
0.625 = 5/8
You need decimals when you measure and fractions. You need decimals, because to measure and fractions. Also, so whole numbers could exist if there are decimals. There will be no math if there's no decimals.
Possibly, as decimals can't be decimals without decimal points.
math is used to show people the different ways math can be used such as fractions or decimals you name it
.6 & .60.
0.625 = 5/8
0.33 = 33/100(not 1/3)
Regrouping in math with decimals simply refers to the term used addition or subtraction when either carrying or borrowing is involved.
a book can have decimals when the person is doing math in the book
This is not a question.
A math teacher or a mathematician.
Ninja valentines
You need decimals when you measure and fractions. You need decimals, because to measure and fractions. Also, so whole numbers could exist if there are decimals. There will be no math if there's no decimals.
It helps you with money because Decimals and money are almost the same thing.
Possibly, as decimals can't be decimals without decimal points.