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The velocity of pressure and shear waves through a solid is dependent on the elastic properties and density of the material through which the wave is travelling.

The pressure wave velocity (VP) can be found using the following:

VP = Sqrt((K+ (4/3 x G)) /P)


K = Bulk modulus

G = Shear modulus

P = Density

The shear wave velocity is given by the following:

VS = Sqrt (G/P)


VS = Shear wave velocity

G = Shear modulus

P = Density

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Q: What are equations which can be used to determine the speed of a wave?
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What equations tell us how fast a wave travels?

The speed of a wave can be determined by the equation: speed = frequency x wavelength. This equation relates the speed of a wave to its frequency and wavelength. Additionally, the wave equation, c = λf, where c is the speed of light, λ is the wavelength, and f is the frequency, can be used to determine the speed of electromagnetic waves in a vacuum.

What are the two equations that can be used to determine the speed of a wave?

The two equations that can be used to determine the speed of a wave are: ( \text{Wave speed (v)} = \text{Frequency (f)} \times \text{Wavelength (λ)} ) ( \text{Wave speed (v)} = \frac{ \text{Distance traveled (d)} }{ \text{Time taken (t)} } )

Two ways to determine wave speed?

One way to determine wave speed is by dividing the wavelength by the period of the wave. Another way is by multiplying the wavelength by the frequency of the wave.

What do you need to figure out wave speed?

To determine wave speed, you need to know the wavelength of the wave and the frequency of the wave. The formula for calculating wave speed is: speed = frequency × wavelength.

How do you figure out the speed of a wave?

To determine the speed of a wave, you need to know the frequency of the wave and its wavelength. You can calculate the speed of the wave by multiplying the wavelength by the frequency. The formula for the speed of a wave is speed = frequency x wavelength.

How can you determine a speed of a wave?

by multiplying its frequency

How is wave speed determine?

by dividing wavelength by frequency

What equation is used to measure wave speed?

The equation used to measure wave speed is: Wave speed = frequency x wavelength

To determine the speed of a wave what formula would you use?

speed = wavelength x frequency

How can you determine the speed of wave?

by multiplying its frequency

What is the wavelength of 0.5 Hz?

The wavelength of a wave is dependent on its speed and frequency. To calculate the wavelength of a wave with a frequency of 0.5 Hz, you need additional information such as the speed of the wave. Without knowing the speed, it is not possible to determine the wavelength.

What is the speed of a wave with a wavelength of 10 meters?

The speed of a wave is determined by its wavelength and frequency. The formula to calculate wave speed is speed = wavelength x frequency. Without knowing the frequency of the wave, we cannot determine the exact speed.