An estimate is an approximate calculation or judgment of the value, number, quantity, or extent of something. Assets are property owned by a person or company, regarded as having value and available to meet debts, commitments, or legacies.
Not sure if this is a math/ statistics question. Reserves are assets you hold, but are not using immediately. There are oil reserves, mineral reserves (like gold reserves) and cash reserves. I think you need to rephrase the question for a proper answer.
net profit devided by total assets is called return on total asset and formula is as follows: Return on total assets = Net profit / total assets.
56 is estimated to be 60.
17 is estimated to 20.
43.07 - 3.912 estimated = 39.158
Estimated 75 million with liquid assets about 30.
All fixed assets will decline in value over time, by depreciating( the decline in the estimated value of a fixed asset over time) the assets retain some value and the end of their useful life. The profits will also be correctly valued.
Estimated useful life of two years or more Original purhcase price equal to or greater than $100,000
Christian Corbet's private assets are not fully known but he is estimated to be worth between 25-35 million GBP and probably more.
Assets that are retailable - The estimated amount for giving loans to fruitful projects - In every years budget preparation, a certain portion is kept for certain development and certain help for deserving that supports the nation and the bank's interests. Such amount is the retail asset..
Moses Motsa is richer in personal assets but the Swazi Kind is richer based on a national asset lists owned by the country
Current assets are those assets which is usable in current fiscal year while total assets includes assets other then current assets like long term assets as formula showTotal assets = current assets + fixed assets
Personal assets is assets that are owned by a person. Company assets are assets that are own by the company.
First of all capital expenditure should be estimated and after that on the basis of fixed assets purchase assumption depreciation can be calculated.
Intangible Assets are not included in current assets. They are usually listed under Other Assets.
We can feel tangible asset,where as we cannot feel intangible asset
percentage of current assets to total assets