

Best Answer

Decimals: Blood alcohol level, making change,

Fractions: Musical time signatures, slicing Pizza. Converting a big recipe into a smaller recipe.

Percent: Sales tax. Interest on credit cards.

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Q: What are everyday uses of fractions decimals and percents?
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What is a job that uses fractions decimals or percents on the job called?

A job. Most jobs will use these some time or another.

What are everyday uses of decimals?


Everyday uses of decimals?

while calculating on a calculator !

What are some examples of everyday uses of decimals?


Where do you use percents in everyday life?

Percents are used alot in everyday life. Especially in the career of business, such as finance and accounts. Also, in banks for APR ratings and cashflow.. so anything associated with money uses percentages alot. Percents are used alot in everyday life. Especially in the career of business, such as finance and accounts. Also, in banks for APR ratings and cashflow.. so anything associated with money uses percentages alot.

Uses of decimals that we uses everyday?

Surely this must be by using money. £10.23 $14.98 ETC

What is the uses of word 'whole'?

The entire amount. Used in math as in, whole numbers, no decimals or fractions. Unijured body.

What are everyday uses of fractions?

money like 25 cents is 1/4 in fraction form

What is a calculater used for?

A calculator is used for adding, subtracting, dividing, multiplying, decimals, or fractions and is also used for a lot of other uses too.

What are two uses of integers?

You can use them for counting, which is in fact addition. You can also use them for subtracion. Integers are natural numbers. This means you don't use decimals or fractions.

What is the use of decimals?

it is just a shorter way of saying fractions.

How do you write a book about percentages and fractions and decimals?

start by defining what each is. Then show how to convert from one to the other. Then write some examples of uses for each and how to convert from one to the other.